MDCAT 2022:(General instructions)

 Assalam o Alaikum Dear Students!

I hope all of you will be in full motivation and high spirits. As all of you are done with the preparation of MDCAT and couple of days are remaining for the test, here are the complete guidelines you should follow.

MDCAT is not only the test of your knowledge and concepts but it tests your confidence, ability to perform under-pressure, time management and most of all your control on nerves.

The first step to getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don’t. So leave all the doubts, fears, worries and anxiety at home; and take courage, confidence and energy with you.

You have got everything that’s needed to ace MDCAT and become a Doctor. Be confident on your preparation. Don't overthink. Ease yourself and try to keep fears away. You were born to Win!

As it’s said, “when nothing is sure, everything is possible.”

A day before MDCAT, don’t overstudy. Just revise your selective topics randomly. Do past papers because a few MCQs are repeated sometimes. Don’t be over-confident or nervous about your preparation a night before. Don’t overburden yourself by huge plans of last night revision; you had sufficient time for that already. 

“Neither under-estimate nor overestimate yourselves.”

Set out your test kit a night before.

Necessary Documents For MDCAT:

 Take the printout of your Admittance Card bearing your roll number and test center, ‘Candidate’s Copy’ of your application form duly stamped by the Bank Islami Pakistan Ltd. & Your original CNIC/B-Form/Passport.

Maintain a good sleep of at least 6 hours. Set the alarm for a good two or three hours before the test because the traffic could be really bad that day. 

On the 20th of August, start your day with offering prayer. Try to relax and don’t overreact on small things. Take a proper breakfast but avoid overeating. 

Wear something comfortable. Wear whatever you feel relax in.

Cramming at the last minutes does work for some, but mostly it’s a failure. So no need to carry your books along. 

Take a water bottle and something to eat with you if you want.

Calculator, Mobile Phones and Books/Notes are strictly prohibited at the center. Penalty is immediate removal of the candidate from the center with cancellation of paper.

Avoid seeing other students before test, they will talk about how they have revised the entire syllabus 25 times and they shall discuss “the third last line of the fifth paragraph on page 205” but you, you stare on ahead and ignore them.

Stop chasing acceptance. Stop chasing approval. Stop being so insecure. Be real. Be you. Stay away from depressors. 

Be there in the exam hall at time so that no mishap occurs. Be there before 8:00 A.M. Examination Center will be sealed/closed at 8:15 A.M. No Candidate will be allowed to enter the Examination Center after 8:15 A.M.

You are on your own. Just Pray hardest! ALLAH sure has the best plans for you. Believe in your prayers as they make miracles happen. Relax and focus.

Follow the directions to locate your room and seat. Sit relaxed and comfortably. 

All the paper is purely computerized based .If you need any help called out the invigilator for the help to solve the issue.

Once you get the question paper, you’ve got to accept that for the next two and half hours, it’s just YOU AND THE PAPER. You got to be mentally alert and yet completely absorbed. 

Being fully mentally present is the best guarantee of success.

You might not know a single thing about a question, but you can still get it right. After all, its MCQ! The answer’s already there, you’ve just got to find it out and you need not be any super-genius for that. The trick to finding the answer of a doubtful MCQ is to cross each option out one by one and you’ll eventually find one that fits.

Answer the easy questions first. And keep the difficult and time-taking MCQs pending to be solved at the end. If you find a tricky question, don’t get stuck to it, just leave it, mark it, and move on for the next question. Start with Biology portion as it takes almost 40 minutes to solve a major portion of MCQs. You will be in a better rhythm, speed and a better state of mind. Then solve Chemistry in around 40 minutes, then English in 20-25 minutes and then invest all the rest of the time on Physics and all the difficult questions skipped earlier from all subjects.

Most importantly, don’t get confused to see difficult initial questions because it is a trick to confuse students. Some questions are tough but most of the questions are hell easy. So don’t be nervous to see some out of syllabus (which in fact are from your syllabus) or difficult questions.

“If nothing is going your way, certainly it is going Allah’s way.”

Carefully choose the answer, especially if you are simply following a pattern and moving down.

So accept it. It’s just you and the paper.


One candidate shall be issued only one MCQ Response Form, which shall be bar-coded for each candidate and cannot be changed.

Neither be too fast nor slow. Do the rough work on the space (2 pages attached with the Question Book) provided. 

Do not waste time in any case. Don’t fold or tear the response form. Don’t put unnecessary/identification marks on your Response Form. Don’t try to exchange your question paper or response form with some other candidate. Don’t leave your seat until the test is over. Don’t create a disruption of any kind in the Examination Center.

One word: Confidence. Tell yourself you can do it.

Breathe in, breathe out. Relax. Be confident. 

And remember: "Hard work always pays off."

Don't be over-relax or give up during the test, you are to fight till the last minute because it's going to be your lifetime performance. 🙂

When the Instructor says “STOP”, the candidates should stop writing. Detach the upper and lower sheets of Response Forms. The upper, colored sheet of the Response Form and question paper are to be returned to invigilation staff, separately.

The candidates are required to fill the Feedback Response Form. Aptitude/Feedback will have no weightage in the Entrance Test Score. It only helps the University in research and to improve its services in future.

Walk out of the center with a huge smile and pose for all the cameras. 🙂 

The candidates shall take the lower, black and white sheet of the Response Form with them. UHS will display the answer keys of all question papers with different color codes on its website.

UHS will announce the official MCAT result as soon as possible.

In Shaa Allah the best will happen. Do pray to God and seek prayers from your parents, family and friends as it do Wonders. Trust yourself, be confident, trust on Allah Almighty who always rewards hard work and struggle. All those nights awaken, rest sacrificed, entertainment missed, parties and hangouts avoided, early morning wake ups and consistent hard work are going to be paid back. You have been working for this day for so long. 

Remember it will be all worth it in the End. This is going to be a wonderful experience and you're gonna tell your stories to all the juniors afterwards. Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

You can do it. Have faith.

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