MS Computer Science fellowship 2022 PIEAS past paper

 MS Computer Science fellowship past paper 2022:

1. transport layer is used for.....?

2.semophere related  types?

3.dry run programs ....coding from java C++ C etc..?


4 , 5 questions...

5.postorder inorder preorder...?

6. micro architecture...?

7. trees ...deletion of node

8. push pop

C program.. questions from pointers, structure ,, array .

Pipeline Architecture

Operating system  deadlock , scheduling , memory management , semaphore.

Data Structure; B+ tree , avl tree ,hasing ,

BFS , DFS graphs , adjacency matrix.

Networking me se OSI model(transport layer)..

Router, hub se related 1 or 2.

Ak 2 compiler construction.

Or discrete structure , computer architecture , algorithms some questions also came from these .topics

*Questions* :

1) true data dependencies..a) WAW b)RAW c)WAR

2)Leaking data detection tool for C++

3) UDP complete identify by..

4)Tomasulo Algorithm 2questions


6)loop unrolling improve.

7) Reverse control access...


ADT use which of the following...

9) Order of function call in server side--> in option fields name given...

10) UDP socket identify by ..

11) for shared variables Peterson algorithm provide/produce...

12) lack off error in UDP are advantage why??..

13) routing protocol...OSPF is k implementation of....

14) which one is stateless protocol....

15) tree traverse order .. options are confusing (similar) in this question

16) the device link two different network called...optional are gateway, bridge etc....

17) int a=40;

int arr[10]=

Int s= sizeof(arr)/sizeof(a). Output of program s-->.

Options a)10 b)1 c) 40...

18) bandwidth delay numerical...

19) stack push,pop ...

20) tree complexity if vertices are M and edges are N...

21) which one give sorted order .a) inorder b) preorder c) postorder d) level order..

22) pipe line question..

23)end-point of network..a)port b) socket etc..

24)process schedular in OS ..a) to schedule process b) to schedule job..etc

25) Multiprogramming question... Options are similar (confusing)

26) instructions related question for finding memory size..

27)int new=10.

Code.... But. In this question I think 'new' not define as variable name.. so complie time error

28)which one is not example of data structure

a) tree b) link list c) bubble sort d)queue

29) which one is not divide and quenue..

30) in MAX heap, place of maximum key are..

a) root node b) last node etc...

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