B.A |B.sc All subjects Guess paper UOS | BZU | PU

 Guess paper of all subjects B.A B.Ssc UOS | BZU| PU:

 B. A,  B۔ Sc

B.A.  English (B) 

B. Sc Physics paper B

B. Sc Botany B

B.Sc Physics C

B. Sc Chemistary B

B. sx Botany C

B. Sc Chemistry C

B. Sc Math Course A Calculus

B. Sc General Math B

B. A / B. Sc 

B. Sc  Computer II C++


Democray, Energy crisis, unemployment, inflation, Women's place, pollution, Terrorism


load shading or energy crisis

National Unity, corruption, unhygienic condition, bad condition of roads and trfc prblm, Mobilr snatvhing. or C.V


shooting, work, islamic culture, ox, quaids adrs, liberator

Idioms & Correction

past papers of 2007,8,11,13,14

Gues B. A English (B)


Democray, Energy crisis, unemployment, inflation, Women's place, pollution, Terrorism


load shading or energy crisis

National Unity, corruption, unhygienic condition, bad condition of roads and trfc prblm, Mobilr snatvhing. or C.V


shooting, work, islamic culture, ox, quaids adrs, liberator

Idioms & Correction

past papers of 2007,8,11,13,14

B.s.c chemistry c Phycial

 9 Q es me se, Parachor,gas laws kinetic gas equatin,molecular collision, mean fre path,colling frequency,van dear wals equatin,liquefactin of gases,tc,vc,pc,surface tensin drop no methd,refractive inex,dipole momnt,the bragg equaitin,powder methd,x-ray of sodium chloride,kinetic properties,bohr,s modal of atom,schroding wave equaitn,operator,one dimensional box,first law thermodynamics,heat capacity,carn0t cycle,helmholtz fre energy,law of mas actin nd ,kc,kp,kx,kn, q n0, 6 chapter n0,8 equitin 0.1 m0le pcl5,molecularity nd order of reactin,arrehenius equatin,raoult's law,boiling point,vant hoff equitn,kohlrausch's law,ostwald equitin,the nernst equatin,adsorptin nd 4 aplictin,catalysis, unit cell, le chatelier 's principal,adiabatic proces pv,rechor

 B.s.c chemistry A  

B.s.c Inorganic chemistry Paper A 100% gues. . 1.electronegativty nd electronic configrtin, 2.buffer solution, xenon di,tri, 3.hybrizitin, bf3,ccl4,pf5,natural nd radio activity, 4.silicates ,vesper theory , 5.fertilizer,indicator,ceramics, 6.common ion effect,boranes, (0m 7.born hyber cycle,lewis acid nd base, h2so4 ,c,hi,oxalic acid, 8.alotropy, semi conductr, 9.lux-flod m0dal, portel cement, 10,shab theory ,pcl5 structure, hypo photo graphy, 11.chelates,liquit crystel, ph value,hydrogen bonding, all qutin marks 5 numberz , just xenon,fertilizer,cement,alotropy,indicatr, silicates,buffr are long Q mark 10, reactin ; [co(nh3)6]3+, [co(f)6]3. Lead chambr h2so4, reactin with p, f2,naoh,h2so4,cuso4,

B.sc Botany b

genetic enginering techniques,protein,plasma membrane,law inependent assortment,crossing over,lipids,endoplasmic reticulum,meiosis,dna replictin,plant breeding,gene mutatin,transloctin,ox,xy,wz,mechanisams,carbohydrates,morphology ultra stucture chrömosome,plastids,darwin theory evolutin,sex linkage colour blindnes,chloroplast functin,chemicl mulagens,sex determination. Transcription. . detail. .


What is fruit,types, difrnce,brassicaceae family,bentham nd hooker,binomial n0menclature, underground stems nd importance,sclerenchyma, pits, explain, secondary growth , m0no cot nd dicot root nd stem diffrns,tracheary elements,inflorescence,capsella bursa, cell wall,placentation,brassicaceae  ,imptotance,classifiction types,epidermis,xylem,chenopodiaceae family,classifictin have studied,simple dry fruit,icbn rules,

B.s.c chemistry B  

Define, Electro nagativty,pauling's method ,structure of sodium chloride, pcl5,sf6,icl4,if7 orbital , molar diagram o2 nd n2,applictin soft, hard acid, nd base,semiconductr, hybridizatin ? Nd sp2, sp3, lewis concept nd lux flod, silicates, allotropic corbn nd graphite nd diamnd structre,what is indicatr, define nuclear fissin, nd fussion, xenon sturcture,electrochemical series,buffr nd  buffr capacity, exaplain 2 n0, ka birkl and eyde proces, ostwalds proces, oxalic acid,liquid crystal,born haber cycle, common ion effect,  long q artifice nd natural radio activity

 B.s.c chemistry c Phycial

 9 Q es me se, Parachor,gas laws kinetic gas equatin,molecular collision, mean fre path,colling frequency,van dear wals equatin,liquefactin of gases,tc,vc,pc,surface tensin drop no methd,refractive inex,dipole momnt,the bragg equaitin,powder methd,x-ray of sodium chloride,kinetic properties,bohr,s modal of atom,schroding wave equaitn,operator,one dimensional box,first law thermodynamics,heat capacity,carn0t cycle,helmholtz fre energy,law of mas actin nd ,kc,kp,kx,kn, q n0, 6 chapter n0,8 equitin 0.1 m0le pcl5,molecularity nd order of reactin,arrehenius equatin,raoult's law,boiling point,vant hoff equitn,kohlrausch's law,ostwald equitin,the nernst equatin,adsorptin nd 4 aplictin,catalysis, unit cell, le chatelier 's principal,adiabatic proces pv,rechor


arbohydrates , proteins, transcripation,, endoplosmic retculm, organ and organ system, kribs cycle, crossing over,  Define clasifictin housefly,honeybee,horsefly,human.biodiversity,sex limited trait, sex infulenced,electron chain,convert energy,resources world,proteins,acros membrance movemnt,endoplasmic er, tissues,fectr affecting enzyme,co fecters, 

fad nd nadh, meiosis,multiple alleles,change chromsme numbr,dna helex,genetic code,aplicatin of genetechnlgy,fresh water lakes, pollution,learing,hardy weinberg theorem,biogeography,


protostomes,deuterostomes,behavior ,hibernatin,circulatin, teeth,migratin nd navigatin,reproductin nd develoment,flight nd types,symbiotic lifestyle,clas phytomastigophorea,amoebae,clas sporozoa,genetic control nd reproduction conjugatin,origins multicellurarity,phylum porifera,water canal system,body wal and nematocysts, class anthozoa,cnidaria nd ctenophora,evolutionary persective,flukes, importan termatode parasites humans,tape worm parasite human, amictic cycle nd mictic cycle,parasite nematodes,life cycle wuchereia,clasifictin,torsion,gas exchanceg filter feding, shell,metamerism nd tagmatizatin,excretin,charatrists echinodermata,water nd vascular systm,clas asteroidea,phylum hemichordata,agnathans nd gnathostomes,parental care fish,odar caudata,temp regulatin,nervous nd sens functin,vocalizatin,odar squmata,heart circulatn,frsh wtr fish,


Skin of mammals,amphibian,bone V.s cartilage,movement in protozoa.control & structure of muscle contraction.R.M potential,transmission of action potential,evolution trends in N.system,brain photoreceptors,ear,eye, Gustation chemo.Georceptors.mechanism of H/action.hormories of invertebrates,piltuitary adrenal gland.pancreas.blood heart human,Immunity,lungs & its evolution.Adaptations Respiratory,pigments,birds respiration system.animal strategies for getting food.digest system in invertebrates.liver,Galls Bladder,Gastro,Int motality.thermoregulation in fishes,birds,mammals,heat production in birds/mammals,function of nephoron,osmoregulation in fishes.menstrusl cycle.prental development mechsnism of fertlization.cleavage patter,amphibian developme


bacteria, chara, v0lv0x, anth0cer0s, ephedra, p0rella, cyeas, imp0rtance 0f algae, life cycle angi0sperm, virus.. Vaueheria, pinnularia, lichens, psil0tun, funaria marsilia.

 B.sc Botany b

genetic enginering techniques,protein,plasma membrane,law inependent assortment,crossing over,lipids,endoplasmic reticulum,meiosis,dna replictin,plant breeding,gene mutatin,transloctin,ox,xy,wz,mechanisams,carbohydrates,morphology ultra stucture chrömosome,plastids,darwin theory evolutin,sex linkage colour blindnes,chloroplast functin,chemicl mulagens,sex determination. Transcription. . detail. .


What is fruit,types, difrnce,brassicaceae family,bentham nd hooker,binomial n0menclature, underground stems nd importance,sclerenchyma, pits, explain, secondary growth , m0no cot nd dicot root nd stem diffrns,tracheary elements,inflorescence,capsella bursa, cell wall,placentation,brassicaceae  ,imptotance,classifiction types,epidermis,xylem,chenopodiaceae family,classifictin have studied,simple dry fruit,icbn rules,

B.s.c chemistry B  

Define, Electro nagativty,pauling's method ,structure of sodium chloride, pcl5,sf6,icl4,if7 orbital , molar diagram o2 nd n2,applictin soft, hard acid, nd base,semiconductr, hybridizatin ? Nd sp2, sp3, lewis concept nd lux flod, silicates, allotropic corbn nd graphite nd diamnd structre,what is indicatr, define nuclear fissin, nd fussion, xenon sturcture,electrochemical series,buffr nd  buffr capacity, exaplain 2 n0, ka birkl and eyde proces, ostwalds proces, oxalic acid,liquid crystal,born haber cycle, common ion effect,  long q artifice nd natural radio acdivity

 B.s.c chemistry c Phycial

 9 Q es me se, Parachor,gas laws kinetic gas equatin,molecular collision, mean fre path,colling frequency,van dear wals equatin,liquefactin of gases,tc,vc,pc,surface tensin drop no methd,refractive inex,dipole momnt,the bragg equaitin,powder methd,x-ray of sodium chloride,kinetic properties,bohr,s modal of atom,schroding wave equaitn,operator,one dimensional box,first law thermodynamics,heat capacity,carn0t cycle,helmholtz fre energy,law of mas actin nd ,kc,kp,kx,kn, q n0, 6 chapter n0,8 equitin 0.1 m0le pcl5,molecularity nd order of reactin,arrehenius equatin,raoult's law,boiling point,vant hoff equitn,kohlrausch's law,ostwald equitin,the nernst equatin,adsorptin nd 4 aplictin,catalysis, unit cell, le chatelier 's principal,adiabatic proces pv,rechor

Gues B. A English (B)


Democray, Energy crisis, unemployment, inflation, Women's place, pollution, Terrorism


load shading or energy crisis

National Unity, corruption, unhygienic condition, bad condition of roads and trfc prblm, Mobilr snatvhing. or C.V


shooting, work, islamic culture, ox, quaids adrs, liberator

Idioms & Correction

past papers of 2007,8,11,13,14

Gues B. A English (B)


Democray, Energy crisis, unemployment, inflation, Women's place, pollution, Terrorism


load shading or energy crisis

National Unity, corruption, unhygienic condition, bad condition of roads and trfc prblm, Mobilr snatvhing. or C.V


shooting, work, islamic culture, ox, quaids adrs, liberator

Idioms & Correction

past papers of 2007,8,11,13,14

Bsc Physics paper b

1 Energy conservation in SHM

2 Simple pendulum

3 Torsional oscillator

4 Physical pendulum

5 Speed of waves by (a) dimensional method and (II) analytical method

6 Power and intensity transmitted of waves

7 Beats

8 Young’s double slit (simple case)

9 Thin film

10 Newton’s

11 Single slit diffraction

12 Diffraction grating

13 X ray diffraction from crystals

14 Ist Law of thermody namics

15 Law of thermody namics

16 Carnot heat engine

17 Maxwell’s equations

18 Tds equation and energy equation

B.sc Botany b

genetic enginering techniques,protein,plasma membrane,law inependent assortment,crossing over,lipids,endoplasmic reticulum,meiosis,dna replictin,plant breeding,gene mutatin,transloctin,ox,xy,wz,mechanisams,carbohydrates,morphology ultra stucture chrömosome,plastids,darwin theory evolutin,sex linkage colour blindnes,chloroplast functin,chemicl mulagens,sex determination. Transcription. . detail. .

Bsc Physics paper c

1. Find e due to dipole

2. Find e due to ring of charges

3. Find e due to disc of charges

4. Gauss’s law

5. Find v due to disc of charges

6. Find v due to dipole

7. Spherical capacitor

8. Cylindrical capacitor

9. Energy stored in capacitor

10. Equation of continuity

11. RC growth and decay circuit

12. Biot - savart law

13. Magnetic force b/w tow parallel conductors

14. Solenoid

15. Ampere’s law

16. Inductance of sole noid and toroid

17. Growth and decay of Rl circuit

B.s.c chemistry B  

Define, Electro nagativty,pauling's method ,structure of sodium chloride, pcl5,sf6,icl4,if7 orbital , molar diagram o2 nd n2,applictin soft, hard acid, nd base,semiconductr, hybridizatin ? Nd sp2, sp3, lewis concept nd lux flod, silicates, allotropic corbn nd graphite nd diamnd structre,what is indicatr, define nuclear fissin, nd fussion, xenon sturcture,electrochemical series,buffr nd  buffr capacity, exaplain 2 n0, ka birkl and eyde proces, ostwalds proces, oxalic acid,liquid crystal,born haber cycle, common ion effect,  long q artifice nd natural radio acdivity


What is fruit,types, difrnce,brassicaceae family,bentham nd hooker,binomial n0menclature, underground stems nd importance,sclerenchyma, pits, explain, secondary growth , m0no cot nd dicot root nd stem diffrns,tracheary elements,inflorescence,capsella bursa, cell wall,placentation,brassicaceae  ,imptotance,classifiction types,epidermis,xylem,chenopodiaceae family,classifictin have studied,simple dry fruit,icbn rules,

B.s.c chemistry c Phycial

 9 Q es me se, Parachor,gas laws kinetic gas equatin,molecular collision, mean fre path,colling frequency,van dear wals equatin,liquefactin of gases,tc,vc,pc,surface tensin drop no methd,refractive inex,dipole momnt,the bragg equaitin,powder methd,x-ray of sodium chloride,kinetic properties,bohr,s modal of atom,schroding wave equaitn,operator,one dimensional box,first law thermodynamics,heat capacity,carn0t cycle,helmholtz fre energy,law of mas actin nd ,kc,kp,kx,kn, q n0, 6 chapter n0,8 equitin 0.1 m0le pcl5,molecularity nd order of reactin,arrehenius equatin,raoult's law,boiling point,vant hoff equitn,kohlrausch's law,ostwald equitin,the nernst equatin,adsorptin nd 4 aplictin,catalysis, unit cell, le chatelier 's principal,adiabatic proces pv,rechor


: ch 2 ex 2.4 Q 4,8 ex 2.1o Q 4 misc ex Q 3,4,7,13,14,15,16,libnitz theorem example f(67),j(69) c(71),a(73),b(74),i(86),iii(87)d(In) Ch 3 theroem I(94),roles theorem lagrang m-v theorem ex 3.2 Q 3,5 ex 3.3 Q 3,4 Ex 3.4 Q 1 Ex 3.9 Q 4,7,13,16,17 Ex 3.1o Q 4,5,9 example 2(114) 4(115) 5(116) ch 4 fundamental theorem ex 4.1 q 1,2,4 Ex 4.2 Q 1,3 ex 4.3 q 3,4,6 Ex 4.4 Q 5 Ex 4.5 q 1,2,3,5 Ex 4.6 q 1,2,5,7 Ex 4.7 Q,7,8 ex 4.9 Q 2,7,9 ex 4.1o Q 7 reducation formula G.m example 3(134),1(145),5(148),2(146),2(153)(158),4(181),1(185) ch 6 ex 6.1 q 2.4,6,7 ex 6.2 q 2,3,5,6 Ex 6.3 q 3,5,

METHOD: CH#3 EXAMPLES PG 3.1 Q. 3.2 Q. PG CH#4 EXAMPLES PG 84.87.90.EX 4 Q. EXAMPLES PG 115.123.126.EX 5.1 Q. 5.2 Q. PG 122.CH#10 EXAMPLES PG 10.1 Q.16.19.20.EX 10.2 Q. 10.4 Q.




ch 14 ,Exp #11,13,19 ,Q2,3,4,8,10,13,22,24,29,34,35,39,40,46,48,49, 51,52,53, Ch#15 .Q2,3,5,6,21,23

,25, 28,30,32,33,35,Ch #16 exp12,15 , Q. 2,3,4,7,13,18,20, 22,23,25,28,29,32 , Ch#17 exp 4,18,20, Q1,9,10,18,21,29,34,38,48,55,56 ,Ch#18_Q1,6,12,13,14,16,23,24,27,29 , Ch#19_Q1,4,9,10, 11, Ch#20_Q1,4,5,6,12,15,16, 19,21,24,31, Ch#21Q 19,21,22,25(a,b) Ch#23 _exp 3 Q 1,2,3,8,10,14,15, 21,22,25 Vital statistics_exp5 Q 1,4,7,11,14,17,19,20

Guess BZU B.Sc Computer II C++

1. Array and its types

2. Loops while, do while, for

3. Diff. Continue and Break statement, nested if and switch, call by value and call by reference

4. Structures and its handling

5. Pointers and memory management using pointers

6. Program to search no. in array of integers

7. Program to read and write records in a text file

8. Program to reverse a given no.

9. Program to store 5 students record with 5 subjects marks and display the record of fail students in 2 subjects (hint: use structure)

10. Programs of array are most important

Good luck....

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